A new proximity creeps through the cracks
left by the distance we suddenly face.

A mix of the
intimate, p e r s o n a l , s o c i a l , p u b l i c
closeby a n d f a r a w a y

01100110 considers a fifth dimension of space, in which distance is complicated as the result of modern technologies; while physically far away from one another, do technologies like video-calling bring us closer together? Or do they only create an illusion of close proximity?

In other words: what really constitutes a sense of closeness?


This series consists of portraits taken over video-calls, altered physically to complicate the boundaries between the physical and the digital, the near and far.

Images created between
April and June 2020

in The Hague, Melbourne, Aix-en-Provence,
Malaga, London, Brighton and Tbilisi


The Sun Sets Twice