Photo by Pascal Verheul

Joris van den Einden (b. 2000) is a Dutch photographer, filmmaker, and researcher, based in The Hague. His work focuses on an intuitive, yet reflective and critical practice of making-visible; what does it really mean to ‘capture’ an image? What does a photograph reveal, and what does it conceal? Alongside this, his work tends to engage in the rethinking of humankind’s relations to the natural world.

At the moment, he is diving back into portraiture and fashion photography,

In film, Joris translates everyday affective experiences and confrontations into carefully written, shot and edited moving images. His video works are reminiscent of practices of diary-writing and meditation, and often appear photographic in composition and dynamism.

Previous clients include:
Metropolis M, RADIUS Center for Art & Ecology, No Man’s Art Gallery, ARIAS, Haute Photographie, Leiden University, the Dutch Ministry of Justice, D66 Den Haag & Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken.

For a portfolio, click here.

2020-2023 Research MA Arts & Culture (Photography & Film Studies) at Leiden University, Netherlands
2017-2022 Academy of Creative and Performance Arts at Royal Academy of Art & Leiden University, Netherlands
2017-2020 BA Liberal Arts & Sciences at Leiden University College The Hague, Netherlands

2024 Solo exhibition De gratie van ons alleen zijn at possibilities open studio, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2023 Presentation research Glass Land during closing events THE GLASS CITY at RADIUS Center for Contemporary Art and Ecology, Delft, Netherlands
2021 Group exhibition Hot Damn Thank You Ma’am at ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem, Netherlands
2021 Group exhibition Outside Inn at Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, Netherlands
2021 Group exhibition & publication 1/1 at Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, Netherlands
2020 Film screening Twenty Million Seconds at Zeeheldentheater, The Hague, Netherlands
2019 Solo exhibition FACES at Women in Innovation and Leadership, The Hague, Netherlands

2022-2023 Articles (online) for Metropolis M
2022-2023 Articles (print) for Metropolis M, issues #4 & #6 (2022), #5 (2023)
2023 Glass Land (MA Thesis, visual research)
2022 “Tread Lightly” in (Mis)Reading Nature, Leiden Elective Academic Periodical
2022 1/1 , Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, Netherlands